Principles of the Kingdom - Introduction
"The kingdom of heaven is like...", said Jesus many times as he taught the crowds in parables. The secrets are revealed even to the young and the simple if they have ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humility comes from wisdom, all of which comes from God. Abiding in Christ Jesus and His words in us, we bear good fruit of the Spirit that lasts forever. He has much more to say to us as the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal to us if we do not harden our hearts.
The kingdom of God, it is within you, in your midst, Christ in us the hope of glory. We have this treasure in earthen vessels. The hidden riches in secret places are nations and kingdoms waiting to be filled with God! Jesus must be Lord of all. The elements and nature desire to rejoice in the light of the Lord, and we are His body in the Earth. We are the light of the world because Jesus shines through us and we abide in Him.
While the evil seek darkness for fear their deeds will be exposesed, the righteous shine like the dawn ever brighter until fullness of the day. Jesus is coming back soon for a church without spot or wrinkle.
The kingdom of God, it is within you, in your midst, Christ in us the hope of glory. We have this treasure in earthen vessels. The hidden riches in secret places are nations and kingdoms waiting to be filled with God! Jesus must be Lord of all. The elements and nature desire to rejoice in the light of the Lord, and we are His body in the Earth. We are the light of the world because Jesus shines through us and we abide in Him.
While the evil seek darkness for fear their deeds will be exposesed, the righteous shine like the dawn ever brighter until fullness of the day. Jesus is coming back soon for a church without spot or wrinkle.
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