Kingdom Business Principles
God's kingdom principles are: Saved by, live by, taught by, led by His Spirit Fruit of the Spirit Rooted and grounded in love (God) Jesus, the seed of promise (Galatians 3) Father God, the owner of the whole field, patiently waiting until the time of harvest that none of the wheat would be lost Pray therefore that He would send laborer's into His harvest fields The greatest commandments A new commandment New covenant, all in Christ Ministry of reconciliation Abiding in Christ, the True Vine (John 15) The good seed are the sons of the kingdom (they that are led of the Spirit of God are sons of God - Romans 8:14) We are His oaks of righteousness with leaves of healing for the nations Hidden riches in secret places; hearts, souls, minds, domains waiting for Jesus to be Lord of it, crying out for the sons of light to manifest. Creation longs to rejoice in the light of the Lord through His people, His body, His kingdom, His building, His bride, His church. Dominion ...